Maliki Bros - Fireplaces Assiros Lagkadas Thessaloniki - Pellet & Wood Boilers - Pellet & Wood Stoves - Classical and Modern Investments

Maliki Bros - Fireplaces Assiros Lagkadas Thessaloniki - Pellet & Wood Boilers - Pellet & Wood Stoves - Classical and Modern Investments

41637 Visitors:
Address: Assiros
Area: Thessaloniki
Telephone: 2394061544
Mobile: 6944372549, 6932390921
P.C.: 57200
Fax: 2394061544
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: 6932390921
The company AMECO HEATING SYSTEMS - MALIKI BROS has been active in the heating sector since 1998, and consists of a 4-member family business. Since the first days of operation, our company has given great importance to the development of know-how around the fireplace and to the various heat transfer technologies. Relying on strong foundations, with collaborative partnerships in Greece and abroad, our company gained the trust of the world and expanded its clientele at a fast pace. Aft...
41637 Visitors:

Assiros, Thessaloniki

41637 Visitors:

The company

AMECO HEATING SYSTEMS - MALIKI BROS has been active in the heating sector since 1998, and consists of a 4-member family business.

Since the first days of operation, our company has given great importance to the development of know-how around the fireplace and to the various heat transfer technologies.

Relying on strong foundations, with collaborative partnerships in Greece and abroad, our company gained the trust of the world and expanded its clientele at a fast pace.

After 5 years of experience in pellet heating, we are presenting the most economical and reliable solutions in pellet-wood boilers, pellet-wood stoves and energy fireplaces, in cooperation with the largest companies in heating products in Greece and Italy.

Our company provides its customers with integrated pellet or wood heating services.

Our company manufactures energy fireplaces, jackets made of marble, granite and stone at the best prices in the market.

With AMECO - MALIKI BROS you have at your disposal plenty of choices according to your needs so that we can find what suits your needs.


Maliki Bros Energy fireplaces
Maliki Bros Pellet boilers
Maliki Bros Wood boiler
Maliki Bros Pellet stoves
Maliki Bros Wood stoves
Maliki Bros Classic, modern investment
41637 Visitors:


Telephone: 2394061544
Mobile: 6944372549, 6932390921

Working Hours
